by Will Borrell | Sep 5, 2024 | Capacity Building, News, Projects, Training for Trainers
Circus TransFormation in Action, CTF, is a social circus training program run by Caravan International Youth and Social Circus Network. After seven cycles of the training, Caravan and Sorin Sirkus gathered CTF alumni together for two days. In the Alumni Meeting,...
by Will Borrell | Sep 5, 2024 | Training for Trainers
We’re back once again with our flag-ship international social circus training programme, Circus Transformation in Action. In this cycle, 21 new circus trainers taking part in 4 pedagogical modules taking place in 2024-25. This year we have more than 10 circus schools...
by Will Borrell | Nov 2, 2023 | Training for Trainers
We’re back once again with our flag-ship international social circus training programme, Circus Transformation in Action. In this cycle, 22 new circus trainers taking part in 4 pedagogical modules taking place in 2023-24. Partners Sorin Sirkus Galway Community...
by Will Borrell | Mar 7, 2023 | News, Young Caravan
For many years Caravan has been talking about having youth leadership and empowerment at the head of our strategy. Thanks to the development of the ‘Youth Advisory Group’ in 2021, we were able to make that dream a reality, and implement a strong youth lead approach...
by Will Borrell | Jan 18, 2023 | News, Projects, Research
The final report is HERE! To read the final report, with all of the findings from the CTF Advanced project, click the photo below! What is CTF Advanced? CTF Advanced is a 2.5 year project led by Sorin Sirkus with the objectives to: form a network (both local and...
by Ophélie Mercier | Feb 11, 2021 | Capacity Building
Circus Overseas is a two year (2021-2022) project which aims to address the challenges of managing social circus activities and entities through a series of four (4) training modules for young circus trainers and staff from the circus schools’ partners in the project...
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