The Palestinian Circus School
Location Ramallah, Palestine
PCS teaches circus to children and youth between 6 and 20 years old (some older students). We have an average of 300 students per year in all the weekly circus clubs in different locations and for different groups in the country: Ramallah, Birzeit, Al Jalazon refugee camp, Al Fara refugee camp, Jenin, Star Mountain and Red Crescent centre for people with disabilities and Jenin girl’s rehabilitation centre. Next to weekly circus clubs we organize yearly summer camps for our students and we teach in other summer camps where we reach around 400 children per year. For PCS, circus is a strong tool to address the many challenges children and youth face while growing up under military occupation and in a society where freedom is being curbed more and more. Through circus we work hard to create a more inclusive society. At the same time some of our students dream of becoming circus trainers or artists, in which we want to accompany them as far as we can.
PCS also creates and performs. We have a student show group that creates a show every 1 or 2 years and tours the show in Palestine. We also create productions with our professional team which we tour in Palestine and, when possible, abroad. We are also founding member, together with 11 other Palestinian organisations, of the Palestinian Performing Arts Network with as main aim to raise awareness and support for performing arts among the Palestinian Society and to lobby the Palestinian Authority and international donors to support a genuine independent performing arts movement.
Email info@caravancircusnetwork.eu
Phone +33 (0) 6 12 97 23 19
1 Impasse de la Renardière
92220 Bagneux