Our team

We are a small, but dedicated team, based at Ecole du Cirque de Bruxelles in Belgium. We speak English, French, Spanish, Czech & Italian.

Bara Adolfova



Will Borrell

Projects & Communications Officer


If you’re interested in doing an internship with Caravan, please send your CV and a letter of interest to our Coordinator.

Simona De Lisi

Development manager


Our Board 

Thank you to our board members for their ongoing commitment to our network. Our Board members are nominated from the network’s full members.

Taina Kopra 

President, Sorin Sirkus, Finland


 Vice-President, Belfast community Circus, Northern Ireland


Clara Norman

Cirkus Cirkör, Sweden

Teresa Fajardo

Ecole de Cirque Bruxelles, Belgium

Becca Clayton

Treasurer, Galway Community Circus, Ireland

Zef Berisaj

Cirkus Fuskabo, Slovenia

Our Founders

Caravan was established by 6 European Circus Schools in 2008 with a base in Brussels. When they met it became clear that combining all of their competencies would be an essential step to developing and professionalising the youth and social circus sector. The end result was the founding of Caravan International Youth and Social Circus Network.

Vincent Wauters

President, Ecole de Cirque Bruxelles, Belgium

Elefterios Kechagioglou

Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde, France

Aad Kuin

Circus Elleboog

Will chamberlain

Belfast Community Circus School

Dennis Wezenberg

Zaltimbanq’, Luxembourg

Taina Kopra 

Sorin Sirkus, Finland

Email info@caravancircusnetwork.eu
Phone  +32 (0)492 12 71 71


Rue Picard 3
1000 Bruxelles