We believe that it’s important to share our knowledge and research as widely as possible. We host seminars and conferences to disseminate our findings and act as a voice for the sector by representing our members at international events.
Transformation through Circus Arts – A New Narrative for Europe
Circus Arts have a significant impact on the social, professional and economic transformation of the individuals. Caravan, the European youth and social circus network, and Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles organise the « European seminar: Transformation through Circus Arts – A New Narrative for Europe » on 29 and 30 June 2016 in Brussels. This major event, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, the Representation of the European Commission in Belgium, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and the Brussels-Capital Region, has highlighted the importance of social circus on today and future European values.
Youth and social circus key actors from all around the world participated in this seminar to share and exchange their expertise and knowledge. Brussels was at the centre of intensive reflections: How circus arts can trigger a change on the European society? How to fight social exclusion, school dropouts, unemployment through circus arts?
The participants were the first ones to be acquainted with the latest international innovations. Among them, Caravan presented the results of the European project CIRCUS+, which aimed at analyzing the market needs in order to identify the ideal professional profile in the field of youth and social circus. This project laid down the foundations for the creation of a curriculum for the 1st European degree programme for social and youth circus teachers.
During two days, professional and emerging circus trainers, European network representatives, political figures at regional, national and European levels along with university researchers joined together to discuss, debate and develop the social circus sector in order to improve its benefits in and outside Europe.
The Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale of Molenbeek hosted the participants coming from 20 different countries among which Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden, Czech Republic, Palestine, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Israel,…
High level panel discussions, hands-on and participatory workshops, informal exchanges, networking and a special show were the ingredients of this European seminar where circus arts will build a better Europe!
Circus Arts – a Tool for Social Inclusion, Brussels, Belgium, 1 – 2 July 2014
Main event of the European project “Circus Trans Formation”, this seminar concluded a 5-year research carried out by Caravan and its partners in the educative field of social circus. This pedagogical work echoed studies on the social impact of circus arts and analysis on the global needs for social circus. The participants had the opportunity to be the first ones to be acquainted with the results of Circus Trans Formation: The European training programme for social circus trainers
During two days, professionals an amateurs in circus arts, coordinators of European networks, European, national and local political representatives and university researchers joined us to to exchange views on how can we further develop the sector in order to increase the benefits of social circus for the young people with fewer opportunities in Europe and beyond.
“Circus, Inclusion and Citizenship” Brussels, 19 – 21 September 2013
Integrating circus arts as a tool for social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the heart of European social and cultural policies is the object of this seminar, which took place from 19 to 21 September in Brussels.
This seminar was a way to convene operators, actors and young people that work on different territories in Europe and beyond in the field of inclusion through circus arts, to exchange and to share skills, experiences and practices. To this end, a number of key actors working at different professional levels were involved in this seminar: regional and national representatives to the EU, members of the European parliament, university researchers, national political actors in the field of culture and arts, along with the directors and trainers of the Caravan members. We had also the participation of Cirque du Soleil with a presentation of its work in social circus.
Theory and practice, testimonies and reflections, analyses and show were the main approach of this meeting.
Please find here the presentation of the first day of the seminar, which was organised in partnership with Ile-de-France Europe, Brussels-Capital region and Québec Government Office in Brussels, along with Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde, Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles and Cirque du Soleil.
Circus and Hip Hop for Inclusion, Paris, 22 – 24 March 2012
European Seminar organised by Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM) in partnership with CARAVAN, UFR STAPS Paris Sud University and Le Pôle national des Arts du Cirque. More information on the PPCM’s website.
During this 3-day seminar, PPCM along with its partners had the pleasure to host more than 400 people, and to share moments of reflexion, imagination, exchanges on the circus arts and the emerging cultures, through many debats, conferences, round tables…Participants could also enjoyed during the evenings an open dance workshop, interactive sessions and, of course, the 20 steps Ball! View the programme for Circus and Hip Hop for Inclusion here.
Few figures:
35 speakers, 20 themes addressed
10 round tables, 4 conferences
50 europeans participants from 9 differents countries
4 workshops gathering 150 participants
40 hours of debats and exchanges
5 venues, 3 shows…
and also :
600 meals and 300 breakfasts eaten
1000 coffees, 850 teas, 350 madeleines devoured
20 candles, 1 huge birthday cake
…and 30 organizers exhausted but happy !
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Rue Picard 3
1000 Brussels
Made by Alice Toullec & Alex Craste