European Seminar organised by Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM) in partnership with CARAVAN, UFR STAPS Paris Sud University and Le Pôle national des Arts du Cirque. More information on the PPCM’s website.
During this 3-day seminar, PPCM along with its partners had the pleasure to host more than 400 people, and to share moments of reflexion, imagination, exchanges on the circus arts and the emerging cultures, through many debats, conferences, round tables…Participants could also enjoyed during the evenings an open dance workshop, interactive sessions and, of course, the 20 steps Ball! View the programme for Circus and Hip Hop for Inclusion here.
Few figures:
35 speakers, 20 themes addressed
10 round tables, 4 conferences
50 europeans participants from 9 differents countries
4 workshops gathering 150 participants
40 hours of debats and exchanges
5 venues, 3 shows…
and also :
600 meals and 300 breakfasts eaten
1000 coffees, 850 teas, 350 madeleines devoured
20 candles, 1 huge birthday cake
…and 30 organizers exhausted but happy !