L’Art d’En Faire
Location St Etienne de Boulogne, France
Year established 2008
Caravan Member since 2017
Students per week
Vision To hold in balance on a wire, we need to move forward…
L’Art d’En Faire is a circus school and a non-profit organisation working on youth and social circus, and using circus as a tool for education. It was set up in 2008 in South Ardèche, France.
We have several compatible activities, in the city of Aubenas and in remote rural areas in the surroundings:
– Circus school for inhabitants
– Circus in school (primary and secondary)
– Circus as educational extracurricular activities with partners
– Circus and disability: workshops and trainings with special institutes, integration, “mixed projects” (participants with and without disabilities)…
– Circus, citizenship and youth
– Resources: training, educational support and content, coordination / active participation in 2 local networks : “Circus for non-professionals” and “Disability – performing arts”
Our projects aim to create social cohesion between inhabitants, in urban districts and rural areas, with circus as a bond. We work with many partners and want to be active in the local development of South Ardèche, on educational, social and cultural aspects. We do our best to offer affordable activities to everyone.
Since 2018, we experiment a new way of working, thanks to our chapter tent : we work on some projects for 2-3 months on various places in Ardèche (suburbs of a city, deep countrysides…), preparing every project with local educational – social – cultural partners, proposing all the activities named above.
“Passerelle Project” in Aubenas, 3rd edition in October 2018
Email info@caravancircusnetwork.eu
Phone +33 (0) 6 12 97 23 19
1 Impasse de la Renardière
92220 Bagneux