For many years Caravan has been talking about having youth leadership and empowerment at the head of our strategy. Thanks to the development of the ‘Youth Advisory Group’ in 2021, we were able to make that dream a reality, and implement a strong youth lead approach for our activities. Based on the work done in 2021, the Youth Advisory group continued to meet online in the first half of 2022, and in the autumn and winter, they were able to meet twice in person. It was during their first meeting in Finland that they decided to change their name to more accurately reflect their identity:

The Caravan W.A.Y is a group of 10 young representatives from our member organisations, who are the pioneers and voices of the young communities from accross our network.

Their objectives are to amplify the voices of the young people in their respective communities, and help determine the future direction of the network. They operate within the following guiding principles:

  • Mutual Respect
  • Exchanging Ideas
  • Non-Judgemental
  • Possibility of making mistakes
  • Voluntary and responsible participation
  • Solidarity
  • Inspiring
  • Signalling
  • Change Makers

What’s a Mini Way?

A group of youngsters, part of a circus school, coming together to connect, brainstorm and conduct research to improve the local school for the youth’s situation or the broader circusfield.

Here you can find guidelines on how to setup a ‘Mini WAY’ within your organisation!

KA2 Project - 2025

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Community Guidelines

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