The second Caravan Training for Trainers started last November. A group of twenty trainees coming from 11 Caravan partner organisations gathered in Belfast.
Hosted by Belfast Community Circus School, the trainees were welcomed by Will Chamberlain, the director.
This first module was introducing the trainees on the importance of the knowledge of the local context. Through various activities, very well facilitated by Nura and Nathalie, the participants shared their time between large group discussions, a full range of energizers and small group in depth talks.
Interesting discussions were held on the definitions of culture and identity.
The trainees also had time to reflect on the organisation they work for and the work they are doing. The diversity of origines, places of work and perspectives amongst the group was very stimulating.
Moreover, the trainees had the opportunity to do a tour of Belfast, guided by two former political prisoners. Despite the freezing weather, this introduction into the history of the city was very inspiring.
Next meeting in February 2017 for the module on the « Art of teaching » that will be organized by Sorin Sirkus (Tampere, Finland).
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