During 5 days, twenty three participants from 12 Caravan members gathered in Tampere, Finland. The week was facilitated by two trainers from Sorin Sirkus, emphasizing on training planning, evaluation, learning mechanisms.
Starting from the planning of one training session, the week evolved towards the conception  of longer course planning, to the larger vision on projects and even the organisational structure of a circus school. Using various performing art tools such as theatre, voice, danse, statute, the participants were offered space to reflect on their practice as trainers.
They also creatively composed training courses gathering a great variety of aims/objectives, resources, target groups and tools. Managing these four elements, the group conceived original exercises using circus props. Through brainstorming sessions in big groups and smaller groups, each participant shared both theoretical knowledge on learning theories, group dynamics and different ways of evaluating both each training sessions and larger projects.
They brought all this reflection materials with them and will meet again in Brussels, from June 5 to June 9,2017 where the module will be focused on management and steering of teaching.


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