Our Circus Trans Formation In Action training programme is still at the core of Caravan’s activity, and continues to develop new generations of social circus trainers. It’s the outcome of a 5-year European research carried out by 2 universities, 8 Caravan members and the Caravan office, resulting in the development of a framework of competences for social circus trainers.
We continue to use our Guidebook for Social Circus Trainers to teach social circus trainers across the world and produce international exchanges of ideas.
Circus in Trans Formation in Action 3 concluded this year in December, creating a strong group of inspiring trainers, that continue to develop partnerships after the training.
Galway Community Circus, Ireland
AltroCirco, Italy
Belfast Community Circus School, United Kingdom
CIRQUEON, Czech Republic
Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde, France
Sorin Sirkus, Finland
Upsala Zirk, Russia
Metis Gwa, Guadeloupe
Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles , Belgium
Sirkhane, Turkey
Ton sur Ton, Switerland
20 circus trainers
Module A : Social Context. 26-30 March 2018 in Bagneux (France) and hosted by Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (France)
Module B : Act of Teaching. 4-8 June 2018 in Tampere (Finland) and hosted by Sorin Sirkus
Module C: Management/Steering of teaching. 8-12 October 2018 in Brussels (Belgium) and hosted by Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles
Module D : Circus Techniques & Creativity. 3-7 December 2018 in Galway (Ireland) and hosted by Galway Community Circus