Caravan just released its 2016 Annual Report highlighting an intense year of activities and development.
In 2016, not only Caravan received financial support from the European Commission, but it also benefited from a great development of its membership, gathering 19 partners.
2016, marked the final year of the project ” Circus + : Research on Youth and Social circus pedagogy“. Aiming at promoting the professionalization of the actors in the field of youth and social circus, the project created the job profiles for level 4 and 6 education, and developed 2 European frameworks of competences.
The results were presented in an international seminar that was held in Brussels, on June 29-30, 2017; entitled “Transformation through Circus Arts : A new narrative for Europe”.
2016, featured the implementation of Circus Transformation in Action, the four-week Caravan training for trainers hosted by four Caravan partners. It also launched its second edition in November 2016.
Finally, as every year Caravan organized a youth exchange in Galway; offered opportunities for over 40 young volunteers and created connections between young artists to perform in youth festivals.